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## Artigos
* [What is the value of Open Source? Preliminary results of the Commission's study](https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/collection/open-source-observatory-osor/news/first-results-study-impact-open-source): estudo preliminar recente, de 2020, sobre open source Hardware/Software, conclusões importantes como: "found that increasing the number of commits to Open Source projects would translate to a boost of over €95 billion per year to the EU’s GDP."
* [Code Forking, Governance, and Sustainability in Open Source Software](http://cta.if.ufrgs.br/attachments/114/NymanLindman_TIMReview_January2013.pdf) por Linus Nyman and Juho Lindman - Fonte: [Technology Innovation Management Review](http://timreview.ca/article/644 - CC-BY
* [UNESCO e o software livre](http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0015/001540/154053por.pdf) por Richard Stallmann
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